bk repocheck(7.3ce) BitKeeper User's Manual bk repocheck(7.3ce) NAME bk repocheck - check repository for consistency SYNOPSIS bk repocheck [-qS] [--check_opts="options"] DESCRIPTION bk repocheck is used to make sure that a repository is in a consistent state. It works in traditional standalone repositories as well as nested collections. If you suspect there might be a problem with your repository, run bk repocheck. If you send email for support, please include the output of the following: bk version bk config bk repocheck This command is implemented on top of bk check. The default, when run- ning a nested collection, is to run in parallel; in that case check output is suppressed unless there are errors. OPTIONS --check-opts=<opts> This long option may be used to pass any valid option to bk check. The format must include the leading - or -- for each option and each option must be separated by a space like so: --check-opts='-fv -e' -q Run quietly. -S Just check the current repo. This has no effect in a traditional standalone repository, but in a nested col- lection, this will check just the current repository, not the entire nested collection. SEE ALSO bk check bk support CATEGORY Repository BitKeeper Inc 1E1 bk repocheck(7.3ce)