bk cmdlog(7.3ce) BitKeeper User's Manual bk cmdlog(7.3ce) NAME bk cmdlog - show the log of commands executed in this repository SYNOPSIS bk cmdlog [-S] [-a] [-v] [-c<cutoff>] [pattern] bk cmdlog [-r] [-c<cutoff>] [pattern] DESCRIPTION List the history of repository level commands run in repository of cur- rent directory. Repository level commands are bk clone, bk commit, bk export, bk pull, and bk push. Commands are listed in least recent to most recent order. OPTIONS -a List history of all commands run in the repository, not just repository level commands. -c<cutoff> List commands which happened during the date range specified by <cutoff>. -r List command start and stops with relative times. Implies -a. -v Each line of output is prefixed with userid, timestamp and BK version. Combined with the -a option, everything is listed, including commands run by BK itself. Additionally, in a nested collection, each output line will list the component name in brackets, ie. [component] -S --standalone When used in a nested collection, only process the log for the current component. pattern Limit the output to lines matching (regexp) pattern. EXIT STATUS bk cmdlog returns exit status 0. NOTES The two command logs are maintained by BitKeeper in the BitKeeper/log directory. repo_log contains all repository level commands ever run in that repository. cmd_log contains recent commands run in that reposi- tory. In the cmd_log file, commands are logged at the time they start and at the time they finish. By default, cmdlog output is limited to the lat- ter. Using the -av options, both the start and finish of commands is listed (as well as other events such as trigger launches). The relative times displayed by the -r option are only printed if the bk version logged those times. Earlier versions of BitKeeper did not log this data so it will not appear in the output. When using the -r option, the relative time is in seconds and relative to the first user level command (for example, the start of a bk pull would be 0 seconds, all the subordinate logs will be relative to that. The final entry will represent the run time of the pull command). SEE ALSO bk range CATEGORY Repository BitKeeper Inc 1E1 bk cmdlog(7.3ce)