bk keywords(7.3ce)          BitKeeper User's Manual         bk keywords(7.3ce)

       bk keywords - list of RCS and SCCS keywords

       BitKeeper  supports both the standard SCCS keywords, as well as most of
       the RCS keywords. In addition, there  are  several  keywords  that  are
       unique to BitKeeper.

       Note:  All  of the revision-oriented keywords (e.g. %I%) are useless in
       BitKeeper since they may change as a  result  of  a  re-synchronization
       that  causes  a  branch creation.  Use the %K% keyword when you need an
       identifier that is unique to a specific revision-level of a  file.  The
       %K% keyword is useful when tracking customer bugs. For example, a tech-
       nician might ask the end-user to run the what command on an  executable
       to  check  the  versions of the components that make up a program.  The
       person doing troubleshooting can then use the %K% keyword to track down
       the specific source files that make up the executable.

       Note: SCCS keyword expansion can cause problems in printf-like strings.
       To deal with unwanted keyword expansion, BitKeeper can be given options

            %A%  Shorthand notation for an ID line with data for what(1):
                 %Z% %M% %I%%Z% @(#) GET 1.1@(#)
            %B%  SID branch component                    0
            %D%  Current date: yyyy/mm/dd                1991/04/13
            %E%  Date newest applied delta was created:  1991/04/13
            %F%  SCCS s.file name                        SCCS/s.GET
            %G%  Date newest applied delta was created: mm/dd/yyyy 4/13/1991
            %H%  Current date: mm/dd/yyyy                4/13/1991
            %I%  SID of the retrieved version: %R%.%L%.%B%.%S%
                 1.1 or if fully specified as shown in the previous line
            %K%  Key for the delta (these do not change)
            %L%  SID level component                     1
            %M%  Module name: either the value of the m flag in the s.file
                 or the name of the s.file less the prefix
            %P%  Fully-qualified s.file name             /u/lm/SCCS/s.GET
            %R%  SID Release component                   1
            %S%  SID Sequence component                  0
            %T%  Current time: hh:mm:ss                  12:41:29
            %U%  Time the newest applied delta was created: hh:mm:ss    12:41:29
            %W%  Shorthand notation for an ID line with data for what:
                 %Z%%M% %I%     @(#)GET                  1.1
            %Y%  SCCS Compatible, not expanded in BitKeeper
            %Z%  4-character string: recognized by what. @(#)
            %@%  user@host
            %#%  user

       The  following  is  the subset of RCS keywords that BitKeeper supports.
       The RCS keywords are only expanded if the RCS flag is turned  on.   See

        $Revision$  $Revision: 1.2 $
        $Id$        $Id: s.rcs_expand.c 1.2 99/11/16 11:25:18-08:00 lm@r.com $
        $Author$    $Author: lm@r.com $
        $Date$      $Date: 99/11/16 11:25:18-08:00 $
        $Header$    $Header: SCCS/s.rcs_expand.c 1.2 99/11/16 11:25:18-08:00 lm@r.com $
        $RCSfile$   $RCSfile: s.rcs_expand.c $
        $Source$    $Source: /tmp/beta11/src/SCCS/s.rcs_expand.c $

       bk admin
       bk config-etc
       bk get


BitKeeper Inc                         1E1                   bk keywords(7.3ce)