
Currently BitKeeper/log/scandirs lives in each component and remembers flags about of each directory. The <prod>/BitKeeper/etc/scancomps file lives in the product and is updated whenever scandirs is updated. So if src/libc/hash/hash.c is edited, then ‘hash’ is updated in src/libc/BitKeeper/log/scandirs and ‘src/libc’ is updated in BitKeeper/log/scancomps.

Currently the flags tracked by this system are:

  • e: This directory contains ‘edited’ files.

  • p: This directory contains ‘pending’ files.

The cache is stored in the project struct and is loaded on first access, modified in memory, and written when the struct is deallocated.

A special * key existing in the files to indicate that all directories are set. For instance a checkout:edit clone will set * to e.

Who writes cache

The cache is written by the proj_dirstate() function and is written by the following operations:

  • write_pfile() marks that directory as edited

  • updatePending() (which creates the d.file) marks that directory as pending

  • clone can set * to e if checkout:edit

  • commit can clear all pending flags if it included all files in a cset

  • a component commit will mark that component as pending

  • resolve can leave components pending in a couple places

  • sfiles notices when a directory doesn’t have any pfiles or dfiles and clears the flags as needed.

Who reads cache

The proj_scanDirs() function returns the list of directories matching a certain state using the scandirs file. It is only used by the fast path in sfiles. So for example bk sfiles -c will only look in the directories containing edited files.

The proj_scanComps() function is used to get a list of components that may match a certain pattern. It is used in the following places:

  • commit: only walk components with pending files

  • bk -Up or bk -Uc: only some components

  • citool: skip uninteresting component

  • sfiles -p: to quickly get the pending component csets files

Both of the above return 0 when a reduced list is not known and all components/directories need to be searched. For example, this is used for checkout:edit or an older repository without the SCANDIRS feature bit enabled.

Parallel updates

These files are currently maintained in proj.c and attached to the project struct. The files are loaded on first access and then modified in memory and when the project struct is deallocated (usually at exit), then the modified struct is written back out to disk.

When doing a parallel repocheck that needs to edit files to satisfy the checkout rules, the parallel updates to scancomps will stomp on each other and updates are lost.

Similarly if you tried to run bk -Uc -j delta -ysave then the parallel updates to the scandirs files would stomp on each other.

The code tracks the modified directories in the current process and instead of writing the in-memory hash to disk on close, it uses a sccs_lockfile() and does a read/modify/write operation. Only changes to directories modified by this process are copied to the ondisk hash. In this way changes can happen in parallel as long as parallel operations are doing the same type of changes to the hash. So parallel setting or clearing of flags will work, but if one process is clearing flags while another is setting them this approach will fail.

What happens if the cache becomes corrupted?

If the cache is wrong then sfiles starts returning the wrong answer and users complain that bk doesn’t see their changes.

The sfiles code will repair the hash if you run it without the fast path code. Like this: bk -R sfiles --no-cache -p . But it won’t fix the * key.

I don’t believe a normal repocheck will notice or repair problems with the scandirs cache.