Stuff I need to do to have the basic SCCS complete:

  • revision control every change that can happen

    1. pathnames

    2. symbols

    3. user adds/deletes


  • pathname revisioning

    1. A graph just like the delta table graph

    2. Has to implement LOD just like the delta table graph

  • symbol revisioning

    1. A graph just like the delta table graph

    2. Has to implement LOD just like the delta table graph

  • LOD features

    1. mechanism to go around corners (multiple entries in the symbol database, sorted by date, use the latest)

    2. syntax for nested names, i.e., kudzu.alpha.0;

    3. syntax for both creating and setting the LOD to be the default

    4. Work out the interactions with dates/ranges/etc.

  • Performance

    1. make fastAdd work for everything in the flags section

    2. fix the get performance problem

  • Name spaces in BitSCCS

    1. Everything is part of a LOD, i.e., all fully qualified names are <LOD>.<NAME> The LOD part can be left off of names; it is implied. Files are created with a default LOD (named what? Perhaps * with that implied if not specified?).

    2. When changes occur to a file, they are really LOD.change, i.e., a tag is LOD.tag, a pathname change is LOD.pathname, etc.

    3. It would be nice to have some stuff be able to cross LOD’s. For example, user access control - *.lm means lm can make changes to all LOD’s. kudzu.lm means lm can make changes only to kudzu.

  • Change sets and LOD’s.

    1. One useful option to changeset would be to apply the change in a new sub line of development that is /not/ on the trunk. In other words, it’s a complete change, on a branch, named, but the tree is in a state so as to essentially be unchanged. Then the owner can run a command to see what changes have not yet be applied to his LOD and apply it by either (a) setting the LOD to this subpatch (if there are no changes after the patch) and trying it out, or (b) merging the trunk LOD onto the patch LOD and trying that. In either case, if it doesn’t work, the undo is a one line command that resets the LOD.

  • Workspace support

    1. A flag that says "this part of the path is to the top of the workspace" so that you ignore that component in name space changes.

    2. A flag that says "this file is managed by BitKeeper". This flag triggers the search for a cache file that records the leaves of all files for resync.

The problems with revisioning stuff in the file

Assume that no new deltas are added to the file, but the pathname is changed. How do you represent that?

OK, so that is solved, now you have two branches in the tree, with two different pathnames for each branch - how do you associate the pathname with the branch? In other words, how does it generalize? The sun way doesn’t, as far as I can tell because they don’t have any way, that I see, of having a branch in the name graph associated with a branch in the delta graph.

Seems to me there ought to be some way to mix the LOD and pathname namespaces to make this work out.

A more clear statement of the problem:

  1. I may have any arbitrary object in the file that I want to fork down two parallel lines of development. So I need two name spaces in which to make changes to the objects in a relative way.

  2. Whatever I do, I need to make sure it works for serial LOD as well as parallel LOD - i.e., release 1 followed by release 2 vs stable vs hacks in parallel.