My file format differs from the ATT SCCS file format in the following ways:
I have the following extra information in the file:
Pathname RCS style tags hostname of the machine making the delta timezone of the delta
I want file format compatibility with AT&T SCCS so here’s how that happened. Rochkind knew I was coming and he passes unknown flags through his SCCS parser. So the new flags are
... ^Af h <rev> hostname ^Af P <rev> pathname ^Af w <rev> minuteswest of GMT ^Af s <rev> symbol ^Af R ...
The hostname/pathname/minuteswest "inherit". What this means is that if all the deltas were made in PST, then the only minuteswest entry would look like
^Af w 1.1 8:00
Binary encodings:
^Af e 0 # means no encoding, just ascii ^Af e 1 # traditional uuencoding ^af e 2 # gzipped, uuencoded